from the desk of Tony Rush
Dear Friend,
There's a question I get asked a lot. It's asked in different ways but it's basically the same question.
Here it is:
"Tony, why is it that some people seem to always succeed?"
There's some pain baked into that question.
Can you feel it?
It's also a 2-for-1 special. Because there's also another question - the REAL question - hiding inside it. It's the question that's not being spoken aloud. That question asks...
"Why do I struggle? Why is it so hard for me?"
This is what I want to talk to you about.
Because they're both good questions. And if you've ever found yourself asking similar questions, I'm happy to tell you...
There Is An Answer!
But, before I "pull back the curtain", I want to explain something...
I'm not a "success guru".
This is not my usual "gig".
Yes, it's true I've appeared onstage with Bob Proctor, Les Brown, John Assaraf, John Demartini, Lynn McTaggart, Phil Keoghan, Shawn Achor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and others...
And, yes, it's also true that I've done various masterminds, workshops and conferences to help people achieve the results they want in their business.
But, it's also true that my main business is writing and publishing business/marketing training. Not teaching self-help or personal development principles.
Truth is, I'm an introvert who's learned how to be "extroverted" when I need to be.
So, rather than spend my time doing public speaking or being a "guru"....
...I'm much being at home with my family. I like sequestering myself in my office, working on a new project, writing my monthly newsletter, etc.
Pretty much anything that brings in tons of money without me having to leave the house or talk to anyone.
In Fact, I've Made A Fortune Doing Just That!
So, believe me, when I agreed to create a program on prosperity, abundance and removing money blocks...well, I was as surprised as anyone.
But, with the pandemic and the massive financial disruption that so many have experienced...
...it's more important than ever that you break through to the life of prosperity and abundance that you deserve.
Best of all, you're going to find that...
'Breaking Through' To Prosperity and Abundance Is Far Simpler Than You Might Imagine!
Let's start right there...
- Where did you get the idea that the becoming wealthy was hard?
- How many times have you heard that you have to work hard to make money?
- Who's telling you that achieving prosperity is a difficult path?
Answer: people who experienced it as hard themselves and who (because of their difficult experience) want you to experience it that way, too. It's best not to take these people as your advisors.
from the desk of Tony Rush
Dear Friend,
There's a question I get asked a lot. It's asked in different ways but it's basically the same question.
Here it is:
"Tony, why is it that some people seem to always succeed?"
There's some pain baked into that question.
Can you feel it?
It's also a 2-for-1 special. Because there's also another question - the REAL question - hiding inside it. It's the question that's not being spoken aloud. That question asks...
"Why do I struggle? Why is it so hard for me?"
This is what I want to talk to you about.
Because they're both good questions. And if you've ever found yourself asking similar questions, I'm happy to tell you...
There Is An Answer!
But, before I "pull back the curtain", I want to explain something...
I'm not a "success guru".
This is not my usual "gig".
Yes, it's true I've appeared onstage with Bob Proctor, Les Brown, John Assaraf, John Demartini, Lynn McTaggart, Phil Keoghan, Shawn Achor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and others...
And, yes, it's also true that I've done various masterminds, workshops and conferences to help people achieve the results they want in their business.
But, it's also true that my main business is writing and publishing business/marketing training. Not teaching self-help or personal development principles.
Truth is, I'm an introvert who's learned how to be "extroverted" when I need to be.
So, rather than spend my time doing public speaking or being a "guru"....
...I'm much being at home with my family. I like sequestering myself in my office, working on a new project, writing my monthly newsletter, etc.
Pretty much anything that brings in tons of money without me having to leave the house or talk to anyone.
In Fact, I've Made A Fortune Doing Just That!
So, believe me, when I agreed to create a program on prosperity, abundance and removing money blocks...well, I was as surprised as anyone.
But, with the pandemic and the massive financial disruption that so many have experienced...
...it's more important than ever that you break through to the life of prosperity and abundance that you deserve.
Best of all, you're going to find that...
'Breaking Through' To Prosperity and Abundance Is Far Simpler Than You Might Imagine!
Let's start right there...
- Where did you get the idea that the becoming wealthy was hard?
- How many times have you heard that you have to work hard to make money?
- Who's telling you that achieving prosperity is a difficult path?
Answer: people who experienced it as hard themselves and who (because of their difficult experience) want you to experience it that way, too. It's best not to take these people as your advisors.
How To Quickly Remove Your 'Money Blocks', Discover Prosperity And Start Experiencing More Abundance In Your Life....NOW!
How To Quickly Remove Your 'Money Blocks', Discover Prosperity And Start Experiencing More Abundance In Your Life....NOW!
This is an open letter for anyone who wants to experience more prosperity and abundance...but who may have become frustrated on the journey.
If you don't have as much money as you'd like...
If you wonder why it seems like it's harder than it has to be to just "get ahead"....this is for you. Read on...
This is an open letter for anyone who wants to experience more prosperity and abundance...but who may have become frustrated on the journey.
If you don't have as much money as you'd like...
If you wonder why it seems like it's harder than it has to be to just "get ahead"....this is for you. Read on...

Let Me Share Something I
Wish I'd Learned Earlier In My Life...
It pays to be skeptical of other people's skepticism.
Just because a million people standing next to you say, "Making money is hard" doesn't make them right and you wrong.
It just means they've got a certain set of beliefs and experiences that they're using to build their life.
They're entitled to their opinion. We're all on our own paths.
But, that doesn't mean you need to buy into their idea that becoming prosperous requires you to hustle, grind or work your fingers to the bone.
Yet, that's what people do. They get sucked into each other's opinions about how hard it is.
When you think about how abundant the world is and how many millions of dollars are swishing around and changing hands every second...
...you realize that it takes a lot of effort to stay stuck in poverty. In fact...
It Takes More Effort To
"Just Get By" Than It Does To Be Wealthy!
This is a major key to prosperity and abundance.
When you're "just getting by", it takes far more time, energy and creativity.
Those three resources are the key to wealth and prosperity...but, when you're "just getting by", you wind up having to use them all to go from one financial emergency to the next. It's hard. I've been there.
But, here's...
The Refreshing Truth About Prosperity!
Despite what you hear from from the government, the media, religious leaders, your friends, family and complete strangers...
...there is a massive amount of money and prosperity available to you.
It's there for anyone who wants to claim it.
There are no glass ceilings.
There are no gatekeepers.
Anyone who wants their share can "deal themselves in".
So, why don't more people experience prosperity and abundance?
Most people treat "making money" like it's serious, solemn business.
What they don't realize that's is actually part of the problem that keeps the struggle in place!
When I figured out that making money wasn't serious business, my whole life changed. Here's why...
Making Money Is A Game!
And, like any game, there are "loopholes" and "shortcuts" that make it easier to win.
Let me give you an example...
When my kids were younger, we used to play Super Mario Kart on the Nintendo. If you've never played it, you choose a character and race a go-kart around a series of crazy tracks.
There was this one race-track in a desert that I could always win and it would drive my sons crazy!
They'd groan: "Dad! How are you ahead of me! I was beating you!"
I'd just laugh. And whenever that racetrack would come up again, they'd all start moaning about how they were never going to beat me.
Truth is, anyone could do what I was doing. (And they all eventually figured out my secret.)
Here was my secret: I discovered that, if you had the "Power Star" item, you could turn left at the train-tracks and go through the train-tunnel and come out WAY ahead of everyone who drove all the way around the mountain.
Let Me Share Something I
Wish I'd Learned Earlier In My Life...
It pays to be skeptical of other people's skepticism.
Just because a million people standing next to you say, "Making money is hard" doesn't make them right and you wrong.
It just means they've got a certain set of beliefs and experiences that they're using to build their life.
They're entitled to their opinion. We're all on our own paths.
But, that doesn't mean you need to buy into their idea that becoming prosperous requires you to hustle, grind or work your fingers to the bone.
Yet, that's what people do. They get sucked into each other's opinions about how hard it is.
When you think about how abundant the world is and how many millions of dollars are swishing around and changing hands every second...
...you realize that it takes a lot of effort to stay stuck in poverty. In fact...
It Takes More Effort To
"Just Get By" Than It Does To Be Wealthy!
This is a major key to prosperity and abundance.
When you're "just getting by", it takes far more time, energy and creativity.
Those three resources are the key to wealth and prosperity...but, when you're "just getting by", you wind up having to use them all to go from one financial emergency to the next. It's hard. I've been there.
But, here's...
The Refreshing Truth About Prosperity!
Despite what you hear from from the government, the media, religious leaders, your friends, family and complete strangers...
...there is a massive amount of money and prosperity available to you.
It's there for anyone who wants to claim it.
There are no glass ceilings.
There are no gatekeepers.
Anyone who wants their share can "deal themselves in".
So, why don't more people experience prosperity and abundance?
Most people treat "making money" like it's serious, solemn business.
What they don't realize that's is actually part of the problem that keeps the struggle in place!
When I figured out that making money wasn't serious business, my whole life changed. Here's why...
Making Money Is A Game!
And, like any game, there are "loopholes" and "shortcuts" that make it easier to win.
Let me give you an example...
When my kids were younger, we used to play Super Mario Kart on the Nintendo. If you've never played it, you choose a character and race a go-kart around a series of crazy tracks.
There was this one race-track in a desert that I could always win and it would drive my sons crazy!
They'd groan: "Dad! How are you ahead of me! I was beating you!"
I'd just laugh. And whenever that racetrack would come up again, they'd all start moaning about how they were never going to beat me.
Truth is, anyone could do what I was doing. (And they all eventually figured out my secret.)
Here was my secret: I discovered that, if you had the "Power Star" item, you could turn left at the train-tracks and go through the train-tunnel and come out WAY ahead of everyone who drove all the way around the mountain.

I Know This Is A Weird Example But Pay Close Attention...
Anyone could do what I was doing. It was fully within the rules.
In fact, the game designers deliberately created it as a "shortcut" for players who were willing to think outside the box.
But most people never considered it.
Because 99.9% of players had been conditioned to believe that you have to follow the same path everyone else is taking.
My friend...
The Game Of Money Is The Exact Same Way...
If you're willing to think about the game differently than everyone else, you can find "shortcuts" that allow you to dramatically increase your results.
And when you do, the people who are "following the herd" will wonder how in the world you win so easily.
It's not hard. In fact, it's easier than what you're currently doing.
It simply requires a willingness to break free from how "normal" people think about money and prosperity.
And that's precisely what you want.
How You Play The Game Determines How Easily You Can Liberate Yourself From "The Grind"...
The first step is to take an honest look at what you believe about the "game of money"...
...and then adjusting your game-plan so you can shift from "lean" to "lush" with the least amount of effort.
When you do this, you will begin to see the world differently.
You'll see opportunities that are invisible to the uninitiated.
You'll read news headlines and see something completely differently from what "the average person" sees.
Before I go any further, let me be clear about something...
Here's What I'm NOT Talking About...
When I was trying to get my head straight about money, I tried a whole SLEW of different things to improve my quality of life and "liberate" myself. Over the years...
- I bought countless books, audios and courses
- I meditated
- I did affirmations
- I wrote S.M.A.R.T. goals
- I visualized
- I focused on the "law of attraction"
- I went on a "media fast"
- I carried a goal card in my pocket
- I avoided negativity
...and nothing seemed to work.
I'm not saying I didn't learn anything. Or that there wasn't any value.
I'm saying that, when it came to actual, real, measurable results in my life...
...ultimately, ALL of them failed and left me feeling depressed, defeated and destitute.
I remember thinking...
"What does it matter that I've read Think and Grow Rich so many times I can quote it? If I'm still bouncing checks all over town and struggling to pay the bills, what difference has it made?
Now, I'm not saying that you're going to go through the Discover Prosperity program and suddenly have millions of dollars flowing into your bank account. Or a mansion in Beverly Hills. Or a stable full of Bentleys and Mercedes. (You could.)
But I AM saying that, once you learn how to play the game a different way and you learn the shortcuts I'm describing...
...it would be nearly impossible for you to NOT have more money flowing in your life. Not only that, but you can experience it in an easier, free-flowing manner.
And that's why I'm pleased to announce a home-study program that will show you how to do just that. Introducing....Discovering Prosperity.
I Know This Is A Weird Example But Pay Close Attention...
Anyone could do what I was doing. It was fully within the rules.
In fact, the game designers deliberately created it as a "shortcut" for players who were willing to think outside the box.
But most people never considered it.
Because 99.9% of players had been conditioned to believe that you have to follow the same path everyone else is taking.
My friend...
The Game Of Money Is The Exact Same Way...
If you're willing to think about the game differently than everyone else, you can find "shortcuts" that allow you to dramatically increase your results.
And when you do, the people who are "following the herd" will wonder how in the world you win so easily.
It's not hard. In fact, it's easier than what you're currently doing.
It simply requires a willingness to break free from how "normal" people think about money and prosperity.
And that's precisely what you want.
How You Play The Game Determines How Easily You Can Liberate Yourself From "The Grind"...
The first step is to take an honest look at what you believe about the "game of money"...
...and then adjusting your game-plan so you can shift from "lean" to "lush" with the least amount of effort.
When you do this, you will begin to see the world differently.
You'll see opportunities that are invisible to the uninitiated.
You'll read news headlines and see something completely differently from what "the average person" sees.
Before I go any further, let me be clear about something...
Here's What I'm NOT Talking About...
When I was trying to get my head straight about money, I tried a whole SLEW of different things to improve my quality of life and "liberate" myself. Over the years...
- I bought countless books, audios and courses
- I meditated
- I did affirmations
- I wrote S.M.A.R.T. goals
- I visualized
- I focused on the "law of attraction"
- I went on a "media fast"
- I carried a goal card in my pocket
- I avoided negativity
...and nothing seemed to work.
I'm not saying I didn't learn anything. Or that there wasn't any value.
I'm saying that, when it came to actual, real, measurable results in my life...
...ultimately, ALL of them failed and left me feeling depressed, defeated and destitute.
I remember thinking...
"What does it matter that I've read Think and Grow Rich so many times I can quote it? If I'm still bouncing checks all over town and struggling to pay the bills, what difference has it made?
Now, I'm not saying that you're going to go through the Discover Prosperity program and suddenly have millions of dollars flowing into your bank account. Or a mansion in Beverly Hills. Or a stable full of Bentleys and Mercedes. (You could.)
But I AM saying that, once you learn how to play the game a different way and you learn the shortcuts I'm describing...
...it would be nearly impossible for you to NOT have more money flowing in your life. Not only that, but you can experience it in an easier, free-flowing manner.
And that's why I'm pleased to announce a home-study program that will show you how to do just that. Introducing....Discovering Prosperity.

Here Are Just Some Of The Things You'll Discover In This All-New Program...
Here Are Just Some Of The Things You'll Discover In This All-New Program...
- Why it is both RIGHT and PROPER for you to want to be wealthy and prosperous
- Why goal-setting doesn't work for most people (and what you should do instead)
- How to escape the "push-and-pull" trap of repelling money from your life while simultaneously trying to get it. (This one trap is responsible for almost all scarcity and poverty you experience.)
- Why "working harder" is actually a huge trap that keeps you from experiencing the prosperity you deserve
- Do you worry about the "ethical paradox" of having more than you need while others are struggling? If so, this lesson will resolve that paradox and give you peace-of-mind.
- The five groups of people who actually benefit from keeping you from "breaking through". (This is one of the most controversial and eye-opening realizations you'll ever experience.)
- Why an intense focus on charities and donations are sometimes a symptom of serious scarcity issues. This lesson will reveal a counter-intuitive principle that will help you develop a healthy relationship with money while still supporting the causes you care about.
- The real role that "beliefs" and "thoughts" play in the acquiring wealth. (Hint: it's probably not what you think! This one lesson is always a major "a-ha!" moment for mastermind members who have heard this taught for the first time. Don't miss this one!
- The Worthiness Trap: the "stealth assassin" that robs you of your wealth potential...and how to evict him from your life for good. (If you ever wonder why you should deserve to be wealthy when others aren't, this is for you...)
- Do you ever wonder how to tell the difference between "responsible caution" and "scarcity-based fear"? I'll show you how to distinguish between the two so you can feel confident in your decisions.
- If you've wondered why the "law of attraction" isn't working for you...or why it doesn't seem to work reliably, this lesson will show you EXACTLY why...and how to resolve that frustration.
- Discover exactly how much you could be earning once you discover the "loopholes" and "shortcuts" revealed in this Course.
- And much more!
There's so much more I could say -- all about the abundance that awaits you -- but it wouldn't serve any useful purpose here if you're not involved and experiencing it for yourself.
Besides, if you've read this far, you already know whether Discovering Prosperity is right for you. And, if you're feeling hesitancy about making a powerful decision...or if you need me to "twist your arm" to do what's in your own best interests...
...well, that may be the best evidence that this program is for you. Only you can know for sure.
Now, you might be wondering...
"So, Is This Going To Cost Me An Arm and A Leg?"
Honestly? It should cost a fortune.
I mean...how do you put a price tag on a set of ideas that allowed me to earn millions of dollars and go from poverty to prosperity?
But, no. It doesn't cost a fortune.
Even though I'm tempted to offer Discovering Prosperity for $1,000, I think that would exclude a lot of people who need it. Especially with all that's going on in the world today.
So, Here's What I Decided...
When I roll this out to the general public in a few months, it'll probably cost in the neighborhood of $199 or so.
But, right now, this is a brand-new program. More than anything, what I really want....is your success story.
So, how about we do this?
I'll Give You A 75% Discount Off The Projected Price...
...in exchange for you giving me your honest review/testimonial afterwards.
If you'll agree to do that, I'll take you at your word and let you...
Enroll In 'Discovering Prosperity' Today For A Single One-Time Payment Of $47
- Why it is both RIGHT and PROPER for you to want to be wealthy and prosperous
- Why goal-setting doesn't work for most people (and what you should do instead)
- How to escape the "push-and-pull" trap of repelling money from your life while simultaneously trying to get it. (This one trap is responsible for almost all scarcity and poverty you experience.)
- Why "working harder" is actually a huge trap that keeps you from experiencing the prosperity you deserve
- Do you worry about the "ethical paradox" of having more than you need while others are struggling? If so, this lesson will resolve that paradox and give you peace-of-mind.
- The five groups of people who actually benefit from keeping you from "breaking through". (This is one of the most controversial and eye-opening realizations you'll ever experience.)
- Why an intense focus on charities and donations are sometimes a symptom of serious scarcity issues. This lesson will reveal a counter-intuitive principle that will help you develop a healthy relationship with money while still supporting the causes you care about.
- The real role that "beliefs" and "thoughts" play in the acquiring wealth. (Hint: it's probably not what you think! This one lesson is always a major "a-ha!" moment for mastermind members who have heard this taught for the first time. Don't miss this one!
- The Worthiness Trap: the "stealth assassin" that robs you of your wealth potential...and how to evict him from your life for good. (If you ever wonder why you should deserve to be wealthy when others aren't, this is for you...)
- Do you ever wonder how to tell the difference between "responsible caution" and "scarcity-based fear"? I'll show you how to distinguish between the two so you can feel confident in your decisions.
- If you've wondered why the "law of attraction" isn't working for you...or why it doesn't seem to work reliably, this lesson will show you EXACTLY why...and how to resolve that frustration.
- Discover exactly how much you could be earning once you discover the "loopholes" and "shortcuts" revealed in this Course.
- And much more!
There's so much more I could say -- all about the abundance that awaits you -- but it wouldn't serve any useful purpose here if you're not involved and experiencing it for yourself.
Besides, if you've read this far, you already know whether Discovering Prosperity is right for you. And, if you're feeling hesitancy about making a powerful decision...or if you need me to "twist your arm" to do what's in your own best interests...
...well, that may be the best evidence that this program is for you. Only you can know for sure.
Now, you might be wondering...
"So, Is This Going To Cost Me An Arm and A Leg?"
Honestly? It should cost a fortune.
I mean...how do you put a price tag on a set of ideas that allowed me to earn millions of dollars and go from poverty to prosperity?
But, no. It doesn't cost a fortune.
Even though I'm tempted to offer Discovering Prosperity for $1,000, I think that would exclude a lot of people who need it. Especially with all that's going on in the world today.
So, Here's What I Decided...
When I roll this out to the general public in a few months, it'll probably cost in the neighborhood of $199 or so.
But, right now, this is a brand-new program. More than anything, what I really want....is your success story.
So, how about we do this?
I'll Give You A 75% Discount Off The Projected Price...
...in exchange for you giving me your honest review/testimonial afterwards.
If you'll agree to do that, I'll take you at your word and let you...
Enroll In 'Discovering Prosperity' Today For A Single One-Time Payment Of $47
Tony Rush
Tony Rush

NOTE: Just to be clear, this course has nothing to do with "law of attraction", "positive thinking", or similar concepts you may have heard taught before.
This is an entirely rational, practical approach for creating wealth and abundance in your life.
You may notice that there's no wild income claims or over-the-top hype in this letter.
I'm sure you've also figured out that's deliberate.
Oh, I know I could probably have 3X more people enroll in Discovering Prosperity if I threw out some of my more dramatic success stories. And maybe we'll talk about those and break them down to see how they relate to these principles.
But, I'd just rather do that with Course members. Not as an enticement for people who think they're going to magically become millionaires overnight.
So, don't misinterpret my "restraint". I'm very excited to share this information with you.
It's been distilled through over 20 years of searching and experimenting to see what would actually create results in my own life.
What I realized was that my life wasn't working...and that "money" seemed to be the linchpin that was the problem.
So, I went in search of answers. I wanted to know:
- what was blocking me from earning more money
- why my hard-work and intelligence didn't equate to more income
- why I was an ineffective leader
- why I kept attracting the wrong people to my business
- and why, no matter how much I earned, my bank account always hovered within $1,000 of the same number.
What I discovered not only allowed me to turn my annual income into a monthly income...but...
- It allowed me to gain a maturity in how I think about money.
- It gave me peace of mind.
- It helped me manage my expectations so I could grow my wealth intelligently.
So, be assured: I like luxury, fine automobiles, first-class world travel and everything that abundance implies.
But, to me, "prosperity" is the whole package.
It's peace-of-mind. It's being able to wake up without being afraid of what the world is going to throw at you. It's good physical health. It's a harmonious spiritual life. And it's time to do the things you love
So, if you're wondering why this page doesn't include lots of photos of my house, my cars, my travel and vacations...it's because we're going deeper than that.
Discovering Prosperity is about changing your life.
Are you in? If so, click here to enroll and I'll see you on the inside. -TR
NOTE: Just to be clear, this course has nothing to do with "law of attraction", "positive thinking", or similar concepts you may have heard taught before.
This is an entirely rational, practical approach for creating wealth and abundance in your life.
You may notice that there's no wild income claims or over-the-top hype in this letter.
I'm sure you've also figured out that's deliberate.
Oh, I know I could probably have 3X more people enroll in Discovering Prosperity if I threw out some of my more dramatic success stories. And maybe we'll talk about those and break them down to see how they relate to these principles.
But, I'd just rather do that with Course members. Not as an enticement for people who think they're going to magically become millionaires overnight.
So, don't misinterpret my "restraint". I'm very excited to share this information with you.
It's been distilled through over 20 years of searching and experimenting to see what would actually create results in my own life.
What I realized was that my life wasn't working...and that "money" seemed to be the linchpin that was the problem.
So, I went in search of answers. I wanted to know:
- what was blocking me from earning more money
- why my hard-work and intelligence didn't equate to more income
- why I was an ineffective leader
- why I kept attracting the wrong people to my business
- and why, no matter how much I earned, my bank account always hovered within $1,000 of the same number.
What I discovered not only allowed me to turn my annual income into a monthly income...but...
- It allowed me to gain a maturity in how I think about money.
- It gave me peace of mind.
- It helped me manage my expectations so I could grow my wealth intelligently.
So, be assured: I like luxury, fine automobiles, first-class world travel and everything that abundance implies.
But, to me, "prosperity" is the whole package.
It's peace-of-mind. It's being able to wake up without being afraid of what the world is going to throw at you. It's good physical health. It's a harmonious spiritual life. And it's time to do the things you love
So, if you're wondering why this page doesn't include lots of photos of my house, my cars, my travel and vacations...it's because we're going deeper than that.
Discovering Prosperity is about changing your life.
Are you in? If so, click here to enroll and I'll see you on the inside. -TR
Here's My
100% Guarantee For You...
Here's My
100% Guarantee For You...

© Kingston Station, LLC - All Rights Reserved – Duplication is strictly prohibited.
© Kingston Station, LLC - All Rights Reserved – Duplication is strictly prohibited.
To your success!
To your success!